Brashears Florists, Inc.
102 Brashears Aly, Huntsville, AR 72740
Local: 479-738-2128
The FTD® Romance Eternal™ Bouquet
W8-4623The FTD® Romance Eternal™ Bouquet has a dream-like appeal that will be the perfect accessory on your wedding day. Gorgeous white ranunculus, roses, freesia, mini calla lilies, peonies, spray roses and hydrangea are brought together in this exquisite arrangement with lush greens and tied together with an ivory satin ribbon accented with a gold and ivory double sided stitch-edged satin ribbon to create a bouquet that speaks of the romance and heartfelt commitment made on this most remarkable day.
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All items featured on this site represent the types of arrangements we offer and may vary depending upon availability in certain regions. Substitution Policy